In addition, you can use dissectdata/structure to find addresses that are difficult to obtain by scanning
Writable and executable must be square tick Then get the address with increased value, decreased value, unchanged value Now when you run, stop the game with the button you specified and use unknow initial value Go to setting > hotkeys > Pause the selected process and set hotkey Posted: Tue 4:44 pm Post subject: Re: GTA 5 Super Speed cheat. I just want the Super Speed cheat to work on the latest GTA version. And you don't have to change any of the other cheats on the. Please Please if anyone is good at creating cheats for CheatEngine, could you please adjust the Super Speed cheat in order to make it work on the latest GTA 5 version. I wanted to upload the file, but it is 24kb and this site only allows files of 8 bytes max.
The Rockstar launcher forces you to update to the latest version.
But since Rockstar launched the new Rock Star Games launcher, it is absolutely impossible to stay on the 1.0.791.2. And that's the only reason i have not updated the game since version 1.0.791.2. It's just running very very fast in GTA 5. I hope someone could do me a favour and create/change a cheat for me for GTA 5. Posted: Mon 5:22 pm Post subject: GTA 5 Super Speed cheat.